Submissions for Issue 1 are open!

There will always be another horizon past the skyline. With that in mind, our vision is freedom.

Send us anything that is meaningful to you: Poems, Prose Poems, Short Stories, Essays, Puzzles, Plays, Journal Entries, what have you!

We are open to everyone and all kinds of stories. Although we do use trigger warnings if necessary, we do not believe in artistic castration, which means there is no theme restriction — and definitely no swearing restriction either. If you have something to tell and it feels ugly, send it to us. Life can be as ugly as beautiful. And it’s all valid.


You may send us up to 6 pages of your work.

Include a cover letter with a brief third person biography.

At the moment, submissions are free.

We provide feedback if solicited.

The accepted formats are doc, docx and rtf.

Submissions through Google Forms.

If you have any questions, you can e-mail us at

Thank you for considering us as a home to your work!